Friday, November 19, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1

Tonight I am going to see the new Harry Potter film and I am beyond excited. To preface my review (which should be done tonight or tomorrow) I thought I would explain my fascination Harry Potter.


I started reading the Harry Potter books at the tender age of eleven, which is the age of Harry in the first book. As much as I loved the first two books, the first book I remember waiting for at midnight was the third. After the third book was released, I got every book at midnight which posed some problems. First, I was unable to discuss the endings of the books with others because they had not finished them yet. Everytime I would finish another book I would spend months speculating on the plot (I would get most of the major plot right, but I missed some key points along the way). I have read the series over 100 times, I own all of the movies, I cos-play and go to cons that are Harry Potter specific or have Harry Potter themes. I still don't know all of the secrets of Harry Potter, but I do know how these stories have impacted my life.

J.K. Rowling has led me through some of the most fascinating adventures in my life. The characters allowed me to explore my own emotions through their eyes. I got the 6th book (Half-Blood Prince) at midnight and was finished by 4AM. Laying on the couch in my parents living room, crying uncontrollably, I kept flipping through the last few pages hoping there was more; that Dumbledore had not really died.

Rowling's world became such a part of my life that when I finished the 7th book I cried again (granted I started crying during the battle at Hogwarts and didn't finish until much later) but this time it was because I felt like I was losing a very close friend. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville had all become a part of me.

When I found out about the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park opening in Orlando I was thrilled and terrified. What if my imagination had been too overactive? What if the WWOHP left me feeling like something was lacking? Lance and I went to Infinitus (a Harry Potter convention) and for one night the WWOHP was opened to the con-goers. For a few short hours I felt like my dreams had come to life. Tears sprang up in my eyes as I saw my childhood fantasies right before my eyes. Everyone was dressed in wizard robes and it felt like I was really part of the magic that is Harry Potter.

So, with the beginning of the end on the horizon I, once again, feel the loss of a close one. I know that the story of Harry Potter cannot continue on paper or the silver screen, but in my heart the story will never end.

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